The 5 C's of Commercial Credit
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In this 1st course of the Introduction to Commercial Credit Skill Series, participants will review the five Cs of credit, assess measures for evaluating each, compare traditional and UCA cash flow analysis, and explore the importance of character in credit decisions.
Tuesday 11/12
@ 11AM PST
Instructor:Tom Halupnik
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1 credit or $295
1.5 - 2 Hrs.
1 hr.
Prep Time


Participants review the generally accepted definition of each of the five Cs of credit - capacity, capital, character, collateral, and conditions. They examine the various measures lenders use in assessing a borrower's ability to honor each of the five Cs, such as the use and application of a) traditional cash flow or b) the Uniform Credit Analysis (UCA) cash flow statement in assessing a borrower's capacity to meet its interest-bearing debt service. Further, Participants explore the likely different outcomes in supporting or denying a commercial business loan request that result from applying different measures within one or more of the five Cs of credit. In addition, they identify those Cs of credit, which are based primarily on objective data and interpretation and those that are based primarily on subjective data and interpretation. Finally, webinar Participants explore the critical importance of "character" in any credit assessment and the perils of extending credit if doubts about a borrower's "character" exist - especially in bad times.

Who Should Attend

This Course is ideal for participants currently in or aspiring to enter the following job functions:

  • Commercial Credit Administration
  • Commercial Loan Administration
  • C & I Lending
  • Corporate Lending
  • Private Banking
  • Loan Review
  • Special Assets
  • Internal Audit
  • Health Care Provider Lending
  • Specialized Lending
  • Credit Analysis


General familiarity with the form and substance of accrual financial statements.


By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:
  • Define the five Cs of credit as they apply to credit assessment of a commercial business using generally accepted, and relatively broad, definitions.
  • Provide reasons why lenders may apply different measures for each C of credit in determining if a commercial business does, in fact, measure up to the C of credit in question.
  • Provide reasons why the application of different measures for each C of credit may lead to very different credit assessment results and evaluations for the same commercial business.
  • Identify those Cs of credit that are based more on objective data and interpretation and those that are based more on subjective data and interpretation.
  • Provide reasons why the relative importance of each C of credit may change from borrower to borrower, depending, among other things, on the specific measures applied to each C of credit by the lender.
  • Provide reasons why character, among all five Cs of credit, is essential to both the short and long-run prospects of any credit relationship - particularly if and when bad times emerge.

Materials(access provided with registration)

  • Credit Refresher on The Five Cs of Credit
  • Credit Refresher on FASB 95 Statement of Cash Flows
  • Excerpts from the Credit Report for Buckeye Beverages, Inc., a Subchapter S Corporation
  • Exercise for the Webinar
  • Presentation Slides
  • Webinar Poll Questions
  • Webinar Poll Solutions
  • Exercise Solutions
This is Course 3 of 5 in the Introduction to Commercial Credit Skill Series
The 5 C's of Commercial Credit
Financial Statements and Business Organizations
Personal Qualities and Competitive Advantage
Critical Ratios and the First Necessary Condition for Success
Non-Financial Red Flags and the Second Necessary Condition
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