Commercial Business Loan Documentation
4.58 557 Reviews
In this 1st course of the Loan Documentation Skill Series, participants will explore common commercial loan documents, UCC-11 requests, UCC-1 statements, blanket liens, and guarantees, focusing on cash flow from operations versus collateral liquidation for debt service.
Thursday 10/17
@ 11AM PST
Instructor:Fred Robie
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1 credit or $295
1.5 - 2 Hrs.
1 hr.
Prep Time


Participants identify and explore the role and purpose of common commercial loan documents as well as examine the use and applications of UCC-11 information requests, UCC-1 financing statements, blanket liens, and continuing commercial guarantees in which an out-patient surgery center - one of numerous related parties - provides the focal point for pursuing all webinar issues. In addition, Participants address the relative importance of assessing cash flow from business operations versus cash flow from liquidation of business collateral in assuring proper debt service and ultimate loan repayment.

Who Should Attend

This Course is ideal for participants currently in or aspiring to enter the following job functions:

  • Commercial Credit Administration
  • Commercial Loan Administration
  • C & I Lending
  • Corporate Lending
  • Non-Profit Lending
  • Loan Review
  • Special Assets
  • Internal Audit
  • Construction Lending
  • Non-Profit and Municipality Lending
  • Health Care Provider Lending
  • Private Banking
  • Specialized Lending
  • Credit Analysis
  • Loan Support
  • Loan Documentation


Familiarity with accrual financial statements, the generic analytical process in reaching a credit decision, and the different sources of cash to service a borrower's interesting-bearing debt.


By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:
  • Identify the fundamental objectives of loan documentation, in general, and commercial loan documentation specifically.
  • Identify the most common commercial loan documents, such as the promissory note, the business loan agreement, the corporate borrowing resolution or partnership authorization, the security agreement, a continuing commercial guarantee, etc., and understand the role and purpose of each such document.
  • Understand and state the purpose of a UCC-11 information request and identify steps necessary to assure maximum benefit from a UCC-11 search.
  • Understand and state the purpose of a UCC-1 financing statement and identify steps necessary to assure maximum benefit from filing a UCC-1 financing statement.
  • Understand and state the purpose and intent of a blanket lien along with its benefits and limitations.
  • Assess if proper loan documentation, properly executed, is generally sufficient to assure proper performance of both short and long-term commercial loans.

Materials(access provided with registration)

  • Credit Refresher on Loan Documentation and Risk
  • Reference Guide for Loan Documentation
  • Financial Statements for Coral Gables Surgery Center LP
  • Financial Statements for Coral Gables Management Company, Inc.
  • Personal Financial Statements for Mario and Adrianna Ruiz
  • Exercise for the Webinar
  • Webinar Presentation Slides
  • Webinar Poll Questions
  • Webinar Poll Solutions
  • Exercise Solutions
This is Course 1 of 2 in the Loan Documentation Skill Series
Commercial Business Loan Documentation
Commercial Real Estate Loan Documentation
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